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Q: What ingredients and oils are in the signature collection?

A: We use our Coconut Apricot wax, and our luxury fragrance oils


Q: Why is my candle tunneling?

A: It could be because your room is too cold. Really cold rooms can make it harder for the flame to melt the wax.


Q: Do you use any dyes or additives?

A: Nope and nope! We only use our natural wax and fragrance oils.


Q: Why do I have to trim my wicks?

A: Keeping the candle wick trimmed helps control your flame. Too big of a flame will cause the candle to burn too hot which isn't safe for you, your space, or your candle. It will also cause and create black soot.


Q: How long can I burn my candle?

A:  Allow the candle to create a full melt pool across the entire top of the candle. This will ensure even burning and maximum fragrance release. We recommend a burn time of about 3 - 4 hours at a time.


Q: Can I reuse my containers?

A: Yes, you definitely can! Once there is about 1/4 inch of wax left, we recommend stopping the use of your candle. With caution, fill with hot water and wait for it to cool. Once cool, pop out the left-over wax (you could throw it away, but I pop mine in a wax warmer and enjoy), carefully remove the wick stickers, and wash out with warn/hot soapy water, rinse, and dry.


Q: Are your Room & Linen Sprays skin safe?

A: Yes, they are skin safe so feel free to spray your clothes, towels, and sheets! It's a great way to quickly freshen up your space.